Why do we hams accumulate so much stuff?

I have been planning for nearly a year to move my ham shack from its current location inside a small walk in closet to my home office.  The home office is closer the base of my tower, but more importantly it is about four times the size of my current location.  Unfortunately, my home office has become a large storage space since I retired.

I spent a few hours this morning sorting through some of the stuff I have been shoving into my office over the past 5 years.  It is hard to believe all the stuff we hams hold onto.  It seems like I am personally attached to every ham gadget, blown fuse, burnt resistor or piece of gear I ever purchased!  Fortunately, the clutter is overpowering me so it is time for some Feng Shui!  Some of this stuff is going to have to go to new homes.   Now if I can just follow through and leave more at the next hamfest than I bring home!



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