SSL Added to KC9QQ.COM Site

For those of you that are using the latest browsers you have probably noticed that the URL for this site was proceeded by the text “Not Secure” or something similar.  This was occurring because I had not obtained an SSL (Secure Socket Layer) certificate for the site.  I wasn’t sure it was needed since my site is just a simple blog.  However, I was concerned that the warning was scaring off some potential visitors.

Therefore, in order to give visitors some piece of mind I have now added an SSL certificate to the sight.  Therefore when you now visit the site you will see the URL starts with “https://…” , and will be proceeded by a small “lock” icon.


This lock shows that all data to and from this site is being encrypted, so that anyone monitoring the stream of data will only see the encrypted values and not the plain text.  If you want to know more about HTTPS and SSL here is an article on Wikipedia:



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