More Snow on the Way

This weekend is shaping up to be a good weekend to spend some time on the radio.

So far our winter has been one of the snowiest and coldest on record in Central Indiana.  Over the past week we had just enough of a warm spell to melt off most of the snow that had accumulated  since January.  Unfortunately, the temperatures have already dropped back into single digits.  If the return to frigid temperatures were not enough, today the National Weather Service gave us a ground hog day moment by predicting 5-8 inches of snow for this weekend. Ugh!  It is starting to feel a lot like the winters I experienced while living in Syracuse, New York where 100 to 150 inches of snow annually was typical.

Regardless of the weather, as long as the power stays on and the antennas stay up I should be able to spend some time working a little DX during the ARRL SSB DX contest this weekend.

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