Initial Experiences with KX3

KX3 next to my 756 Pro III

KX3 next to my 756 Pro III

Now that the family Christmas celebrations are all done, I have finally been able to spend a little time with my new KX3.  I was very surprised that such a well performing transceiver could come  in such a small package.  After connecting an antenna and applying power I was surprised by how quiet the receiver was.  Initial A/B comparisons with my Icom 756 Pro III demonstrated that the KX3’s receiver was certainly on par with the 756 Pro III, but with a somewhat lower noise level.

My next step was to  make some contacts.  I connected a key and tuned across the 12m band and found PJ5/K6NAO (St. Eustatius) calling CQ.  I listened to him work a couple of stations before I gave him a call.  I was surprised when he returned my call on the first try.  I was  impressed that I had gotten through the pile-up  running only 8 watts (not true QRP, but still impressive).

Over the next couple of days I’ve worked Panama, the Virgin Islands, Antarctica, New Zealand, Alaska, Cuba, Bolivia, Finland and Belgium.  Two of the contacts were even SSB.  I also had a nice SSB QSO with a New Mexico station who gave me a 58 signal report.  This evening I even worked two stations in Japan.

My first few days with the KX3 have been very enjoyable.  I’m planning to use the KX3 in the NAQP CW Contest this weekend.  Hope to hear all of you.


Fred, KC9QQ

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