Field Day 2019

2019 Field Day Site

The following is from the ARRL Indiana Section April Newsletter:

Indy United ARC Indy United ARC is a newly formed club in the Indianapolis area that recently attained ARRL affiliation. Our core group was part of the 2018 Field Day team that finished 3rd overall in Class 3A under the banner of the Indianapolis Radio Club.

This year, Indy United (club call: W9SU) will operate our own competitive Field Day effort at our 2018 site, Victor Conservation Club, located on a 900-foot hill near Centerton (street address: 6675 Red Day Road, Martinsville). All are welcome to visit, and we’re issuing a special invitation for new and generally inactive hams (as well as non-hams) to get on the air with our GOTA station. Operating times will be scheduled, so please contact us at if you’d like to participate with one of the nation’s leading Field Day teams.

As the name implies, Indy United (yes, it was inspired by famed British soccer team Manchester United) hopes to unite clubs and operators from across Indianapolis and beyond. On previous Field Days, our coalition team has encompassed as many as six Indianapolis-area radio clubs, and we intend to continue promoting that spirit of cooperation as a new, independent radio club. With a self-declared focus on contesting and competition (particularly Field Day), Indy United members also stand ready to offer mentoring to inexperienced amateurs.

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