ARRL 10 Meter Contest Fun

It was nice to spend a little time on 10M this weekend.   I couldn’t put a lot of time in because I had a Christmas Party and other distractions but at least I was able to make some contacts and work one ATNO, All Time New One (Monaco).  It was also an opportunity to practice my CW.  I am noticing some improvement, but I’m still not as skilled as many of the other contesters.  I still have not tried to RUN stations because I don’t yet have the confidence  that I can copy call signs coming back at me at 30 to 35 words per minute..  Therefore my contesting activity is primarily Search and Pounce.

I probably would have put in a little more effort but I was distracted because my new Elecraft KX3 was supposed to arrive on Monday.  I can’t wait to get it on the air.  Of course my wife will probably make me wait until Christmas to open the package!!

I operated Mixed mode but most of my contacts were CW.  It seems that 10M was closing down sooner than last years CQ WW.  I worked a few Japanese stations, but last year they were much stronger and easier to work.
Fred, KC9QQ
Here is my summary:
               ARRL10M Summary Sheet
        Band  Mode  QSOs    Pts  Mul
          28  CW      315    1260  100
          28  USB    100       200    39
       Total  Both  415     1460  139
            Score : 202,940
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