Little Time for Hamming

I had planned to spend a few hours on the radio the past couple of days but that has not been possible.  I have been involved in moving a number of websites to a new host and the process has taken more time than I thought it would.  My new hosting provider is  I have been very

SnappyMascot of

Mascot of

pleased with their whole setup so far.  Their customer support has been excellent!  Also, their control panel provides just about every conceivable option that I need.  My prior host providor ( provided poor technical support, a control panel with minimal capability and a price 6 times higher than

As of this morning the move is nearly complete.  I am just waiting for the DNS for the final site to propagate through this system so that I can verify that everything is working as expected.  For some reason the DNS for the last site is taking longer to propagate than the other four that I moved.  I guess that is Murphy at work.  I have rechecked all the setting so I assume I just need to be a bit more patient.

I plan to spend a little time on CW this afternoon with the K2.   I really enjoy the contacts I make on the K2.  I am always amazed how well I can get out with only 5 watts.  I’m sure the 8 element log

Elecraft K2-10

Elecraft K2-10

periodic helps!  I am also impressed with how well this kit built radio works.  The receiver on the K2 is just as sensitive as the one in my Icom 756 Pro III.  The K2 does not have all the bells and whistles of the Icom but it sure does perform well.



One of these days I would love to spring for a K3.  I just need to wait for my money tree to start producing $100 bills. Or maybe, I’ll generate enough savings from my new Host provider to convince my XYL I need a need a K3.   It may be a long wait.


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