The ARRL SSB Sweepstakes last was last weekend. This is the first contest where I called CQ rather than Search and Pounce operation. I waited until I had worked all but one Section before I started calling CQ since my primary objective had been to get a clean sweep.
I was very nervous the first time I called CQ. I was afraid I would not be able to copy the other stations well enough to hold the frequency or that I would look like a complete newcomer (I guess in a sense I was). This turned out to not be as big a problem as I had expected.
I had another surprise when I generated a 1-1/2 hour long pile up on 40 meters working stations that were actually looking for Indiana! That was exhausting. I gained a more vivid appreciation for the skills of the DXpedition operators. I’m sure some of the stations in the pileup were mumbling under their breath as I was trying to pick calls out of the mess. Thank goodness it didn’t last much longer because I needed a biological break! I was excited when I finally worked NT (Northern Territories) late Sunday afternoon and again near the end of the contest.
I was pleased with the contest, because my score was an improvement over last year, plus I managed to work a clean sweep. I used N1MM+ in the contest. It worked flawlessly during the contest, but I had a problem generating my Cabrillo log after the contest. I ended up importing an ADIF file into the Legacy N1MM and to create the Cabrillo log. Hopefully, an update will correct the issue before the next contest. I am not sure why N1MM+ listed two lines for 28 mHz?
There is a summary my modest effort below.
Fred, KC9QQ
SSSSB Summary Sheet
Operator Category : SINGLE-OP
Assisted Category : ASSISTED
Band : ALL
Power : HIGH
Mode : SSB
Default Exchange : U 71 IN
Gridsquare : EM69TN
Band QSOs Pts Sec
3.5 106 212 30
7 244 488 23
14 138 276 6
21 136 272 1
28 140 280 23
Total 764 1528 83
Score : 126,824